
How to get back into running – So you’ve decided to get back on the road and start running again. Follow our tips and programme to be fit again in two months.

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Step By Step: Find Your New Routine

Getting back into running is a matter of schedule

Are you ready to start running again after some time off? Whether it’s after a forced break or you’re just getting into running because you want to get back into shape, you’ll be fit sooner than you think – no matter what your age. Check for any risk factors with your doctor, and go!

Of course, getting back into running after a long break is not the easiest thing to do, it demands determination and consistency. It looks like a difficult task to do as you ask yourself how to start running again when you’re out of shape, but following a back in shape program is all you need.

You should ease back into running gradually – the best way is by combining walking and jogging. The idea is to get you back into running shape, which means running 5km on a regular basis in just two months. 

While following the 2-month programme, it‘s easy to get impatient, but patience is the key. Don‘t try to run more, even if you feel you can. If, on the other hand, you find the programme too strenuous, just stretch it out. It’s important not to feel pressured to progress faster than you‘re able to. Repeat a week if you need to and move ahead only when you feel you‘re ready. Listen to your body and you’ll be fine.

How to start running again


Some rules for beginners – and those who are starting again

Be motivated. 

Even if you are sticking to a programme such as this one, it’s completely normal to go through some periods where you’d really rather give up... and you’ll surely find plenty of excuses to do so. A good trick is to team up with a running partner or group. When you know that other people are counting on you to be there, you‘re more likely to stick to your training schedule. On top of that, the social interaction and competition that comes from training with others will boost your motivation.

Start slow. A classic beginner's mistake is to worry that they‘re not improving fast enough. Don’t pressure yourself. And don‘t compare yourself to others. Each runner gets into shape according to their own body‘s schedule.

All running paces will give you the health benefits you're looking for – and it‘s all about building up your routine gradually and steadily. So take your time and focus on going farther, not faster.

Train, not strain. If you feel out of breath or sick to your stomach, you‘re running too fast – a mistake made by perhaps 99% of beginners or people who re-enter running. Don’t think that running is about having to go more than one kilometre at a time, and at a good pace. Don't sweat. It’s more important to slow down and take more walking breaks. This will also make your breathlessness and nausea disappear.

Remember: running should be a relaxed activity. And, yes, to begin running includes a lot of walking. That‘s fine.

The training plan to get back into running


You can get bombarded with training plans online, but when you make a new start it’s important to keep it as simple as possible. Our back-in-shape program will get you fit step-by-step.
Week Days a week
1 2 to 3 Take it easy! Run at an easy pace, not more than 1km or 15-30 minutes, depending on your fitness. You can alternate easy running and walking – switch every two to five minutes, if you like. See whether you can increase by the end of the week. Overdoing it at the beginning would be a bad idea, as your body will feel sore and you will be demotivated.
2 3 Build up slowly. Alternating between running and walking is the way to go.
3 3 Run not more than 2km or 30-45 minutes at an easy jogging pace. If you notice any physical strains in the third week, stick to a non-impact workout or walking only.
4 4 Run 2 km. See whether you can speed up your pace for one day at least, then return to easy jogging for the other days.
5 4 Run 3 km or 40-60 minutes. Easy pace!
6 5 Begin with 3 km, then try 60-70 minutes by the end of the week.
7 3

Run 3 km. The time during this phase depends very much on your progress, but your aim should be to run 5km or 60-70 minutes by the end of the week.
Run 4km.
8 3
Run 4km.
Run 5km.

Running without injury - Tips to avoid injuries on running

Running is the perfect exercise to keep you fit and healthy, plus it’s a wonderful way to clear the cobwebs. However running can lead to injuries, so you need to be aware of the risks and avoid running when you are injured. Being healthy and dedicated is what will keep you going, so read on for our tips to prevent running injuries.
  • Warm-up and then stretch: Always be sure to stretch, but not before running, as stretching 'cold' can damage your muscles. Stretch during and after your run. Run easily for about 5-10 minutes, then stretch once you are warm and your muscles and joints are more pliable. Also, stretch your calves after your run. Look into our video library for some stretching suggestions for special workouts.
  • Gear the right stuff: Make sure you have the right running shoes. Technology improves constantly, and when looking for the right shoe, it‘s smart to go to a running shop where they will make sure you get shoes that fit and provide the biomechanical support you need. Knowing how to look after your foot when it hits the road makes a huge difference. If you have problem feet, ask your doctor for orthotics (shoe inserts) to help prevent injuries. And remember to replace your shoes often.

  • Technique: Run tall and relaxed: You probably have your own running technique. Even if details don’t really matter that much here, experts agree that you should run tall (not slouched) and straight (not leaning far forward or backward). Don‘t over-stride – that could put extra strain on your knees. Let your arms relax and find a natural, comfortable stride.

  • Don’t make up for lost rules: Have you skipped or missed more than a few days of training? Then go back to your pace of the previous week. If you have been sick, return to the pace of the previous two weeks. If you‘ve been injured, it‘s better to come back slowly, and protect the affected areas such as knees or ankles with stabilising braces. See the Elastoplast range for smart solutions.


  • Walking is fine too: Alternating running with walking doesn’t make you a loser – it’s a recommended technique to get back into your routine. It’s also fine to switch to walking once you have reached the point of fatigue or discomfort. Embrace walking as part of an overall run/walk strategy for completing long runs, or as a cross-training activity for non-running days in your training schedule.


  • Injury prevention: Yes, running can in some cases lead to (mostly minor) injuries, but most can be prevented if you warm up, avoid doing too much too soon and wear the right running shoes. Before you start again, try some workouts designed to strengthen running-specific muscles to build endurance and prevent injuries. (See our video library for specific examples.)

  • Running 30 mins 3 times per week: Don’t overdo it, remember that you try to get back into running again. By taking it easy you can find your fitness faster and avoid injuries that will delay you. What you need to avoid right now is to go too hard, too frequent, too long and too fast. Running every day is bad now, having small/short and often runs is the best way to get there.
  • Take a mobile with you: Be sure to run with your mobile phone at hand, so that you can call someone in case of injury. Also, most smartphones support free apps that will help you set goals, track your route, your heartbeat, speed, pulse, calorie consumption and performance.

  • Get started today.

Risk factors for running injuries

  • Not knowing your limits: Don’t try to match your friends’ distances if you only just got into running. The key to success is to build your base fitness.

  • Incorrect technique: Following a wrong running form can cause you injuries. It’s essential to research techniques online before you start, or ask a trainer for advice.


  • Choose the right clothing: Finding the right clothing is important for you to avoid overheating, sunburn and cold injuries. In terms of shoes, a good pair of shoes designed for running will provide comfort, lead to better performance and decrease the risk of an injury.


  • Surface: Hard surfaces are not the ideal place to run as they can cause injuries like stress fractures and shin pain.

  • Environmental factors: Try to avoid running in places with high pollution rates, as well as environments that have natural obstacles like stones and low-hanging tree

Pain in your calf or thigh? 
It‘s important to find out whether your pain is a simple adaptation process (coping with the new challenge), actual overuse of muscles or joints, or tissue damage. Monitor the pain. If it subsides by reducing the amount and intensity of your programme, it is most likely to be an adapting process. If you keep reaching the same limit, you are probably putting your body under too much strain and it is overuse. In this case, you should see your doctor.

Aching limbs? Try the ricer rule

All runners have to deal with occasional aches and pains. If you experience mild aches and pains and a serious injury can be ruled out, follow the tried and tested RICER prescription: rest, ice, compression, elevation, referral. Don‘t overuse pain medication and anti-inflammatories, and see your doctor if the pain persists.
Did you know that it‘s actually more dangerous to sit in front of your TV than to go running? Any injuries, aches or pains you might experience are mostly just temporary complaints and hardly lead to long-term damage.
The overall benefits of running outweigh the risks, even when you start in your fifties or later. 

Better function, fitness and overall health are the rewards for getting out of bed early every morning – as well as fewer disabilities.


Brace Yourself

Having problems with your knee? Protect your knee with a protective support to keep up your running. Elastoplast is an expert in the field and makes several different supports for every need.

These supports add stability to your knee and assist the overall coordination of muscles, tendons and ligaments around the joint. This applies to the recovery phase after injury, and to cases of chronic instability. Some joints need the support of a brace if muscles are weakened or not strong enough to cope with the exercise, which you will notice by muscle fatigue setting in before the end of your activity.
Please note that none of the tips above replace professional medical advice. Consult a health professional in case of an injury or if you suspect overuse of joints or a medical condition such as a fracture. A physician should be consulted in those acute cases when the condition is accompanied by reddening, swelling or hyperthermia of joints, ongoing joint trouble or severe pain and/or are associated with neurological symptoms (e.g. numbness, tingling, loss of motion).

For further information about Elastoplast products, please contact us at

Please read the instructions for use given in our product packaging with care.


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