1. How does a blister develop?
Blisters often appear in areas where the skin is exposed to pressure and friction over a long period of time, e.g. during sports or when wearing new shoes. These cause the upper layer of the skin (the epidermis) to move back and forward over the underlying layer. A space forms between both skin layers, fluid seeps into the space, and a blister is formed.
2. How do I best treat blisters?
If a blister has already formed, the area should be protected from further pressure and contamination. Elastoplast Blister Plaster, with its hydrocolloid technology, absorbs the blister fluid and creates an optimal moist wound healing environment that allows the wound to heal faster and recover quickly. At the same time, the blister is safely sealed and protected against dirt and bacteria. The Elastoplast Blister Plaster works to stop further pressure and relieves the pain immediately.
3. Do I need to pop the blister? What should I do if it pops accidentally?
A blister should not be opened because the blister roof protects against additional infection. Even if a blister is already open, the remaining skin layer should not be removed. In both cases, it is important to protect the wound from external contamination.
The affected area should be cleaned and dried carefully before applying a plaster. If the blister is already open, we recommend additional cleansing. The Elastoplast Blister Plaster, with its hydrocolloid technology, relieves pain from pressure and friction immediately and creates an optimal moist wound healing environment that allows the wound to heal faster. During the healing process, the blister is safely sealed and protected from dirt and bacteria.
4. Can I use a healing cream beneath the Elastoplast Blister Plaster?
We do not recommend using any ointment, skin cream or other product beneath the plaster as this may reduce its effectiveness and adhesive power.
5. How often do I need to change the Elastoplast Blister Plaster?
The Elastoplast Blister Plaster, with its hydrocolloid technology, creates an optimal moist wound healing environment that allows the wound to heal faster. So as not to disturb the healing process and as long there are no signs of infection, the plaster should be left in place for several days and should only be changed when it peels off by itself.